Children's Week 2013 Guide (April 29 - May 6)
posted 1 day ago by perculia
Children's Week is a week in which we brave a challenge greater than any undead monstrosity and a task more daunting than saving the world. We must become parents for all those orphans throughout Azeroth and make sure they are happy. We can't tank a child's fears, we can't heal its memories of pain, nor can we DPS the sorrow out of them. So equip your toys, make a mage conjure a candy table, fill your quiver with joy, load your gun with something colorful, and venture into the World of Parenting!
Children's Week begins on April 29th at 11:00 AM and ends on May 6th at 11:00 AM (PDT).Due to the advent of Cataclysm, Children's Week was changed in 2011 to have two new pets and redone locations for the initial tier of quests. There's nothing new in 2013, but since all vanity pets are now battle pets, you might be more interested in collecting pets this year! Since battle pets are also account-wide, you can collect different sets of pets on your alts to round out your collection faster.
If you already have all the pets, be sure to pick up
Table of Contents
Companion Pets
The quest chains listed in this guide reward the following companion pets. You can get one pet from each chain per year. If you already have all the pets, you can getOrgrimmar/Stormwind
Horde Quests
There are two orphans that Horde players can adopt during Children's Week, each with different quests. You can adopt both orphans (at the same time, even) and complete both quest chains and obtain two cute pets per year!
Orcish Orphan (Grunth)
You can adopt an Orcish orphan in Orgrimmar by speaking with Orphan Matron Battlewail and accepting her quest, Once you have completed this quest, three new quests become available from your orphan:
Ridin' the Rocketway
For this quest, bring your orphan to the Secret Lab in Azshara. He wants to ride an experimental rocket that's found at the Southern end of the Rocketway and blast off!The Banshee Queen
For this quest, bring your orphan to the Royal Quarter of Undercity to meet Lady Sylvanas. He's always dreamed of meeting such an influential Horde figure.The Fallen Chieftain
For this quest, bring your orphan to Red Rocks in Northeastern mountain range of Mulgore. He wants to pay tribute to the now deceased Cairne Bloodhoof by visiting his funeral pyre.
You Scream, I Scream...
For this quest, your orphan wants to try a new type of ice cream! All you have to do is head to the Drag in Orgrimmar where you'll find a crazy goblin mage has set up a shop called Cone of Cold that sellsCone of Cold. Buy the frosty treat and share it with your orphan to receive credit.
Let's Go Fly a Kite
For this quest, your orphan wants to fly kites with you! BuyDragon Kite 2-Pack from Blax Bottlerocket, a goblin that wanders around the Drag of Orgrimmar, and then go fly the kite with your orphan to receive credit.
A Warden of the Horde
Buy aFoam Sword Rack from Blax Bottlerocket, a goblin that wanders around the Drag of Orgrimmar. Then return the Orcish Orphan to the Matron in Orgrimmar and you will be given your choice of one from the following cute pets:
Curmudgeon's Payoff, which contains a measly 5. You will have the option to complete this quest again next year, so you can eventually collect all of the pets! You can also get 25
Magical Pet Biscuit which is a bit nicer!
Blood Elf Orphan (Salandria)
You can adopt an Blood Elf orphan in Shattrath City by speaking withOrphan Matron Mercy and accepting her quest, Once you have completed this quest, three new quests become available from your orphan:
Hch'uu and the Mushroom People
For this quest, bring your orphan to Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh and speak with Hch'uu.Visit the Throne of the Elements
For this quest, bring your orphan to the Throne of the Elements, in Nagrand, and speak with Elementalist Sharvak.A Trip to the Dark Portal
For this quest, bring your orphan to the Stair of Destiny before the Dark Portal, in Hellfire Peninsula. Speak to your orphan once the quest objective has completed to turn in this quest.
Now, When I Grow Up...
For this quest, take your orphan to see The Tauren Chieftians, located up on a balcony at the Walk of Elders, in Silvermoon City.Time to Visit the Caverns
For this quest, take your orphan out to the Caverns of Time and bring her up to the platform where Zaladormu lies. On your way out, purchase aToy Dragon from Alurmi, the Keepers of Time Quartermaster, to complete this quest.
Back to the Orphanage
Return the Blood Elf Orphan the Matron in Shattrath City and you will be given your choice of one from the following cute pets:
Magical Pet Biscuit as a reward.
Alliance Quests
There are two orphans that Alliance players can adopt during Children's Week, each with different quests. You can adopt both orphans (at the same time, even) and complete both quest chains and obtain two cute pets per year!
Human Orphan (Randis)
You can adopt an Human orphan in Stormwind City by speaking withOrphan Matron Nightingale and accepting her quest, Once you have completed this quest, three new quests become available from your orphan:
Cruisin' the Chasm
For this quest, bring your orphan to Sentinel Hill in Westfall. Your orphan wants to rent a chopper and see the destruction Cataclysm has wrought firsthand!Malfurion Has Returned!
For this quest, bring your orphan to the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus. Your orphan wants to meet Malfurion Stormrage himself after his return from the Emerald Dream!The Biggest Diamond Ever!
For this quest, bring your orphan to Hall of Thanes in Ironforge. This is the newly opened gate to Old Ironforge and your orphan would like to explore it to pay tribute to the deceased King Magni Bronzebeard.
You Scream, I Scream...
For this quest, your orphan wants to try a new type of ice cream! All you have to do is head to the Blue Recluse in the Mage Quarterof Stormwind City where you'll find a mage has set up a shop called Cone of Cold that sellsCone of Cold. Buy the frosty treat and share it with your orphan to receive credit.
Let's Go Fly a Kite
For this quest, your orphan wants to fly kites with you! BuyDragon Kite 2-Pack from Craggle Wobbletop, a gnome that wanders around the Trade District of Stormwind, and then go fly the kite with your orphan to receive credit.
A Warden of the Alliance
BuyFoam Sword Rack from Craggle Wobbletop, a gnome that wanders around the Trade District of Stormwind. Then return the Human Orphan to the Matron in Stormwind and you will be given your choice of one from the following cute pets:
Curmudgeon's Payoff, which contains a measly 5. You will have the option to complete this quest again next year, so you can eventually collect all of the pets! You can also pick up 25
Magical Pet Biscuit as a reward.
Draenei Orphan (Dornaa)
You can adopt an Draenei orphan in Shattrath City by speaking withOrphan Matron Mercy and accepting her quest, Once you have completed this quest, three new quests become available from your orphan:
Auchindoun and the Ring of Observance
For this quest, bring your orphan out to the meeting stone at the Ring of Observance at the center of Terokkar Forest and aid her in summoning an Alliance Adventurer.Jheel is at Aeris Landing!
For this quest, bring your orphan out to Aeris Landing in Nagrand, and speak with her brother, Jheel.A Trip to the Dark Portal
For this quest, bring your orphan to the Stair of Destiny before the Dark Portal, in Hellfire Peninsula. Speak to your orphan once the quest objective has completed to turn in this quest.
The Seat of the Naaru
For this quest, you must take your orphan to see O'ros at the Seat of the Naaru in The Exodar. He will then give you another quest,Call on the Farseer, which asks that you go out to visit Farseer Nobundo in The Exodar's Crystal Hall.
Time to Visit the Caverns
For this quest, take your orphan out to the Caverns of Time and bring her up to the platform where Zaladormu lies. On your way out, purchase aToy Dragon from Alurmi, the Keepers of Time Quartermaster, to complete this quest.
Back to the Orphanage
Return the Draenei Orphan the Matron in Shattrath City and you will be given your choice of one from the following cute pets:
Magical Pet Biscuit as a reward.
Neutral Quests
If this is your first year doing the Northrend Children's Week quests, you can choose to sponsor either of these two unfortunate orphans by talking to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran. You can only pick one or the other orphan to adopt, so choose wisely as you will have to wait until next year to obtain the other pet!
Oracle Orphan (Roo)
Little Orphan Roo Of The Oracles
The Biggest Tree Ever!
For this quest, bring your orphan to the great tree Grizzlemaw, located in Grizzly Hills.The Bronze Dragonshrine
For this quest, bring your orphan to the Bronze Dragonshrine, located in Dragonblight.Meeting a Great One
For this quest, bring your orphan to visit The Etymidian at the Shaper's Terrace in Un'Goro Crater, which can only be reached via the Waygate located in Sholazar Basin.The Dragon Queen
For this quest, bring your orphan to visit Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, found at the top of Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight.
A Trip To The Wonderworks
For this quest, you must purchase aSmall Paper Zeppelin from the Wonderworks in Dalaran, then throw it to your orphan. Please note that this is a special, event only item and should not be confused with the
Paper Zeppelin Kit sold year-round.
Back To The Orphanage
Finally, simply return your orphan to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran. Upon completion of this quest,Curious Oracle Hatchling will be mailed to you. You can also pick up 25
Magical Pet Biscuit as a reward.
Wolvar Orphan (Kekek)
Little Orphan Kekek Of The Wolvar
Home Of The Bear-Men
For this quest, bring your orphan to the great tree Grizzlemaw, located in Grizzly Hills.The Bronze Dragonshrine
For this quest, bring your orphan to the Bronze Dragonshrine, located in Dragonblight.The Dragon Queen
For this quest, bring your orphan to visit Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, found at the top of Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight.The Mighty Hemet Nesingwary
For this quest, bring your orphan to visit Hemet Nesingwary, found at the Nesingwary Base Camp in Sholazar Basin.
A Visit To The Wonderworks
For this quest, you must purchase aSmall Paper Zeppelin from the Wonderworks in Dalaran, then throw it to your orphan. Please note that this is a special, event only item and should not be confused with the
Paper Zeppelin Kit sold year-round.
Back To The Orphanage
Finally, simply return your orphan to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran. Upon completion of this quest,Curious Wolvar Pup will be mailed to you. You can also pick up 25
Magical Pet Biscuit as a reward.
For the Children
This achievement can be found in the main World Events achievement category and is awarded upon completion of every one of the Children's Week achievements exceptVeteran Nanny. This achievement awards the player title 'Matron' or 'Patron' (depending on character gender) and is a requirement towards completion of
What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been which rewards the beautiful
Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake.
Aw, Isn't It Cute?
For this achievement, simply complete one of the Orphan quest chains (as detailed above) and obtain a cute pet! Any pet will count towards this achievement, and you may already have it if you've completed Children's Week quest chain in the past.
Bad Example
For this achievement, you must eat each of the delicious (and unhealthy) foods listed while your orphan is out:
Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream - Sold by these vendors (Note that not all are currently in-game!)
Lovely Cake Slice - Sold by Aimee, in Dalaran (Purchase a
Lovely Cake, or take a slice from a party member's)
Tasty Cupcake - Crafted by
Tasty Cupcake
Delicious Chocolate Cake - Crafted by
Delicious Chocolate Cake
Daily Chores
For this achievement, simply complete any five daily quests while your orphan is out. You do not have to have an Orphan while actually doing the quests; you can instead opt to simply summon your ward before turning a quest in.
Hail To The King, Baby
For this achievement, head out to Utgarde Pinnacle and defeat King Ymiron with your orphan out. This achievement can be completed with either Orphan out, on both Normal and Heroic difficulty.
School of Hard Knocks
This is one of the trickier Children's Week achievements. For this achievement, you must complete each of these four objectives in PVP battlegrounds while your orphan is out:
- Capture the flag in Eye of the Storm
- Assault a tower in Alterac Valley
- Assault a flag in Arathi Basin
- Return a fallen flag in Warsong Gulch
Veteran Nanny
For this achievement, you must obtain all three of the Shattrath City non-combat pets on one character. This achievement is notrequired for the meta achievementFor the Children, thankfully, as it takes three years of Children's Week questing to complete.