Saturday, July 14, 2012

Obsidian Nightwing is the new RAF mount

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Is the Obsidian Nightwing the new RAF mount
I don't have a current RAF mount waiting to be claimed, so I wouldn't have gotten an email about it, but several players are reporting that they have. And apparently, this is the new mount for Refer-A-Friend, the Heart of the Nightwing. Similar to the Vial of the Sands, it apparently teaches you to transform into a winged panther mount (not dissimilar to theWinged Guardian) that another player can ride. I have to admit, with the cost of a complete account now at $30, I'm pretty tempted to buy another and get myself a new mount.

How about you? Tempted? Or do you prefer the X-53 Touring Rocket? Personally, I really like the cat.

Blizzard also sent out an email last night reminding players that they need to claim their X-53 Rocket now, or they'll lose the chance at getting the (soon to be) old RAF mount. Players have to claim the mount before July 17. Theoretically, if you don't claim the X-53 before then, you'll be able to get the new Obsidian Nightwing instead.

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