Know Your Lore
While it's definitely not necessary to have played the previous Warcraft games to enjoy World of Warcraft, having a little history to go along with the game you play can make WoW a lot more fun. Each week, Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney present Know Your Lore, a glimpse into the lore and history behind the game of World of Warcraft. Use the handy menu below to check out the various articles that have already been written, and be sure to check back on WoW Insider on Wednesdays and Sundays for the latest in Warcraft lore.Mists of Pandaria characters and lore
Heroes of Warcraft
Villains of Warcraft
Races and organizations
Dragons and dragonflights
Geography and history
Understanding Lore: Speculation, analysis and theory
Mists of Pandaria characters and lore
The Alliance- Anduin Llane Wrynn, Prince of Stormwind
- Jaina Proudmoore
- King Varian Wrynn
- The hour of the king
- King Varian Wrynn, or: How I learned to love the jerk
- State of the Alliance, 2012
- Garrosh Hellscream Part 1 Part 2
- The haunting legacy of Grom Hellscream
- Baine, son of Cairne, chief of the Bloodhoof Tauren
- Update on current Horde politics
- State of the Horde, 2012
- The war begins
- Rise of the Zandalari
- Wrathion the Purified
- Nazgrim and Taylor, faces for their factions
- Why the war had to happen
- Getting into the lore of Mists
- The final boss of Mists of Pandaria
- As new lore emerges
- Pandaren lore and what we know so far
- A guide to pandaren pronunciation
- The basics of prepping for pandaren roleplay
- The ins and outs for pandaren roleplay characters
Heroes of Warcraft
Alliance- Alleria Windrunner (04/11/2012)
- Anduin Llane Wrynn, Prince of Stormwind (12/25/2011)
- Anduin Lothar (01/17/2008)
- Anduin Lothar, the Lion of Azeroth
- Bolvar Fordragon (02/20/10)
- Brann Bronzebeard (05/31/2008)
- Darius Crowley, Lord of Silverpine (03/09/2011)
- Fandral Staghelm (07/05/2007)
- High General Turalyon (09/08/2010)
- The hour of the King (03/28/2012)
- Jaina Proudmoore (06/07/2007)
- Jaina Proudmoore updated (11/21/2010)
- King Genn Greymane of Gilneas (01/19/2011)
- Maiev Shadowsong (11/10/2007) and a second point of view (07/15/2009)
- Malfurion Stormrage (04/11/2007)
- Malfurion Stormrage updated (02/06/2010)
- Master Mathias Shaw of SI:7 (02/02/2011)
- Rhonin, leader of the Kirin Tor (03/19/2011)
- The Silver Hand (04/10/2008)
- Tirion Fordring (09/04/2008)
- Tyrande Whisperwind (08/21/2011)
- Uther the Lightbringer (10/31/2007)
- Velen the Prophet (04/22/2012)
- King Varian Wrynn (11/17/2010)
- The Wrynn Dynasty (04/04/2008)
- Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem (07/13/2011)
- Baine, son of Cairne, chief of the Bloodhoof Tauren (01/12/2011)
- Broxigar the Red (01/25/2012)
- Cairne Bloodhoof (05/31/2007)
- Cairne Bloodhoof -- updated (10/24/2010)
- Garrosh Hellscream
- Go'el, son of Durotan (11/28/2010)
- Grom Hellscream (02/19/2007)
- Grommash Hellscream (08/25/2010)
- The haunting legacy of Grom Hellscream (03/25/2012)
- High Overlord Saurfang (08/28/2008)
- Lady Liadrin (12/21/2011)
- Nathanos Marris and the Dark Rangers of the Forsaken (08/08/2010)
- Orgrim Doomhammer
- Rexxar (06/14/2007)
- Rexxar, Champion of the Horde (04/25/2012)
- Sylvanas Windrunner (03/07/2007)
- Sylvanas Windrunner update
- Thrall
- Zul'jin and the Amani (10/13/2010)
- Aegwynn (07/26/2007)
- Algalon the Observer (04/15/2012)
- Cenarius, Malorne and Ysera (07/17/2011)
- Garona
- Malorne (07/04/2008)
- Medivh (01/31/2007)
- A miscellany of characters (09/28/2011)
- Highlord Darion Mograine (11/18/2009)
Villains of Warcraft
Alliance- Archbishop Benedictus of the Holy Light (12/07/2011)
- Archdruid Fandral Staghelm (05/18/2011)
- Arthas Menethil (02/23/2007)
- The Defias Brotherhood (05/22/2008)
- Never to rise again (04/04/2012)
- The Scarlet Crusade (06/05/2008)
- Stalvan Mistmantle (09/19/2008)
- Illidan Stormrage (01/12/2007)
- Garona Halforcen (06/28/2007)
- The Grimtotems (03/13/2008)
- Gul'dan (11/18/2007)
- Kael'thas Sunstrider (03/30/2007)
- Magatha Grimtotem (06/22/2011)
- Ner'zhul (12/02/2009)
- Teron Gorefiend (04/23/2007)
- The Aqir and their descent
- Azshara (12/06/2007)
- Queen Azshara, Light of Lights (11/13/2011)
- Blackwing Descent and the Prestor Legacy (03/13/2011)
- C'thun (07/28/2010)
- The Elemental Lords (06/27/2008)
- Hakkar the Soulflayer (06/12/2008)
- Illidan Stormrage, the Betrayer (11/09/2011)
- Kil'jaeden (05/24/2007)
- Lady Vashj (03/27/2007)
- Look to the seas -- the mists of the Kvaldir (10/20/2010)
- The Lich King (02/14/10)
- The Old Gods (07/21/2010)
- The Old Gods and their dread shadow (08/18/2010)
- The peculiar tale of the Headless Horseman (10/31/2010)
- Ragnaros (12/22/2010)
- Sargeras (10/17/2007)
- Sinestra and the Night of the Dragon (03/27/2011)
- Theradras, Zaetar and the centaur (12/01/2010)
- The Twilight’s Hammer (4/28/2010)
- Yogg Saron (08/11/2010)
- Zul'jin (08/30/2007)
Races and organizations
- The 7th Legion (09/14/2011)
- The Alliance (12/30/09)
- The Alliance Expedition (03/02/2007)
- Current Alliance politics
- Current Horde politics
- Orcs (03/27/10)
- Blood elves (04/03/10)
- Forsaken (04/10/10)
- Tauren (04/17/2010)
- Trolls (04/24/10)
- Cataclysm Horde politics (04/30/2010)
- Update on Current Horde politics (04/17/2011)
- An'she and the Holy Light (08/15/2010)
- Brotherhood of the Horse (08/31/2011)
- The Council of Tirisfal and the last Guardian (09/19/2010)
- The dark mysteries of the Darkmoon Faire (12/11/2011)
- The dark past of the Darkspear (09/05/2010)
- Death knights (08/09/2007)
- Draenei (03/31/10)
- The Dragonmaw Clan (11/24/2010)
- The Elements
- Everything that is, is alive (05/5/2010)
- By fire be purged (05/12/2010)
- Children of the Stonemother (05/19/2010)
- Hold any form, take any shape (05/26/2010)
- My power is discombobulatingly devastating! (06/02/2010)
- And the rest (06/09/2010)
- The Eternals
- The Ancients (07/10/2010)
- The Loa gods of the trolls (07/17/2010)
- The Titans (07/24/2010)
- The Furbolg (06/30/2010)
- Gnome priests and the failure of the flesh (09/12/2010)
- Goblins (08/22/2009)
- Goblins and the Bilgewater Cartel (12/12/2010)
- The Humans
- The Kor'kron, fists of the Warchief (09/07/2011)
- The naga
- Ogres, Gronn and the Giants of Draenor (06/23/2010)
- The Old Horde (01/06/2010)
- The orcs
- Part one (02/08/2012)
- Part two (02/22/2012)
- Part three (02/29/2012)
- The origin of Goblin and Worgen death knights (11/07/2010)
- The paladin tradition (12/14/2011)
- The Pandaren (10/03/2010)
- History of the Shen'dralar (07/31/2009)
- The Shu'halo (07/06/2011)
- Sons of Hodir (01/01/2009)
- The mysterious connection between Spirit Healers and Val'kyr (06/19/2011)
- Taking Flight with the Wildhammer (08/29/2010)
- They are murloc (10/06/2010)
- The Titans (10/03/2007)
- The Tol'vir (01/05/2011)
- The undead
- Part one (03/07/2012)
- Part two (03/14/2012)
- Part three (03/21/2012)
- The VanCleefs, the rise of the Defias, and Westfall (04/10/2011)
- Vol'jin vs. the Zandalar (05/04/2011)
- The Vrykul (06/16/2010)
- The Watchers and the Shadow Wardens (09/21/2011)
- Worgen (08/23/2009)
- Rise of the Zandalari (04/03/2011)
Dragons and the dragonflights
- Alexstrasza the Lifebinder (07/10/2008)
- Deathwing (08/23/2009) also see Neltharion
- Malygos the Spellweaver (07/31/2008)
- Neltharion (02/09/2007)
- Nozdormu the Timeless (08/07/2008)
- Wrathion the Purified (12/18/2011)
- Ysera the Dreamer (07/17/2008)
- Dragonflights
- Bad dragons (10/26/2007)
- Good dragons (09/27/2007)
- The Black Dragonflight (02/27/10)
- The Blue Dragonflight (03/02/10)
- The Bronze Dragonflight (03/17/10)
- The Green Dragonflight (03/10/10)
- The Infinite Dragonflight (03/24/10)
- The Netherwing (03/06/10)
- The Plagued Dragonflight (03/20/10)
- The Red Dragonflight (02/23/10)
- The Twilight Dragonflight (03/13/10)
- The Dragon Soul (11/27/2011)
- The Wyrmrest Accord and the order of the world (07/31/2011)
Geography and history
- Auchindoun (04/24/2008)
- Ahn-Qiraj, Uldum and the Tol’Vir (07/04/2010)
- Azshara and the Blue Dragonflight (01/09/2011)
- Azjol-Nerub (05/08/2008)
- Badlands: Azeroth's savior and the Badlands (07/03/2011)
- The Barrens (08/21/2008)
- The Burning Crusade (02/24/2008)
- The Caverns of Time Southshore Easter egg hunt (04/08/2007)
- Cataclysm's End (12/04/2011)
- The Curse of the Worgen and the Scythe of Elune
- Dalaran (12/04/2008)
- The Eastern Kingdoms (03/09/2007)
- Feralas: Fandral, Feralas and the struggle of the Green Dragonflight (01/30/2011)
- Gilneas (08/23/2009)
- A history of Gilneas (12/08/2010)
- Grim Batol (03/06/2008)
- Grim Batol update (01/26/2011)
- Interbellum part 1, Forcing Fate's Hand (03/16/2011)
- Interbellum part 2, Into the Outland (03/23/2011)
- Interbellum part 3, To Rule a World (03/30/2011)
- Interbellum part 4, The Queen of the Dead (04/06/2011)
- Interbellum part 5, Atop the Frozen Throne (04/13/2011)
- Interbellum part 6, The Coming of Rexxar (04/20/2011)
- Interbellum part 7, Rexxar saves the Horde (04/27/2011)
- Kalimdor (05/10/2007)
- Karazhan and the Dark Riders of Deadwind Pass (08/14/2011)
- Kul Tiras and the mystery of Tol Barad (12/26/2010)
- Oshu'gun (02/28/2008)
- Med’an, Cho’gall and the Prophecy (05/15/2010)
- The Prophet Velen, the light and the darkness (09/15/2010)
- Quel'delar, the Sister Blade (11/26/2009)
- Saronite (12/16/2009)
- The Scythe of Elune (03/30/2008)
- Shadowfang Keep (12/15/2010)
- The Shattering
- Silvermoon (08/24/2011)
- The Sources of Magic
- Part 1 (05/25/2011)
- Part 2 (06/01/2011)
- Part 3 (06/08/2011)
- Magic is ... (06/15/2011)
- The sorrow of Southern Barrens: Horde (04/24/2011)
- The struggle for Southern Barrens: Alliance (05/01/2011)
- Stonetalon Peak: Honor, Krom'gar. Never forsake it. (01/16/2011)
- Stormrage and the Emerald Nightmare
- Tirisfal Glades and the unfortunate tale of Lilian Voss (01/02/2011)
- Troll history (08/16/2007)
- Uldaman, Ulduar and Uldum, strongholds of the Titans (01/23/2011)
- Un'goro and Sholazar, petri dishes of the Titans (12/29/2010)
- Winter Veil (12/25/2009)
- The Warcraft Cosmos
- The Material Plane (05/22/2011)
- Multi-dimensionality (05/29/2011)
- Tinfoil Hat edition (06/05/2011)
- Wars of Azeroth
- War of the Ancients part 1, Azshara's love story (02/09/2011)
- War of the Ancients part 2, Time after time (02/16/2011)
- War of the Ancients part 3, The one betrayed (02/23/2011)
- War of the Ancients part 4, Time wizards and tinfoil hats (03/02/2011)
- The Troll Wars (02/01/2012)
- The First War (01/13/2010)
- The Second War (01/20/2010)
- Intermezzo Part One -- Return of the Horde (01/27/2010)
- Intermezzo Part Two -- The Alliance Strikes Back (02/03/2010)
- The Third War part 1 (02/17/2010)
- The Third War, part 2 (11/03/2010)
- The Third War, part 3 (11/10/2010)
- The war begins (11/30/2011)
- War of the Ancients part 1, Azshara's love story (02/09/2011)
- Weapons of Lore
- Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker (04/06/2012)
- Atiesh and Andonisus, Reaper of Souls (04/13/2012)
- Quel'Serrar (04/20/2012)
- Benediction (05/04/2012)
- Zul'Gurub, a historical survey (05/11/2011)
Understanding Lore: Speculation, analysis and theory
- Lore 101
- Part 1 (02/22/2010)
- Part 2 (03/22/2010)
- How to fold a Tinfoil Hat (07/24/2011)
- 5 must-do Horde zones to complete before Mists (03/11/2012)
- 5 remarkable relationships from Warcraft lore (02/15/2012)
- Cataclysm lore for Dummies
- Cataclysm's hanging plot threads (08/28/2011)
- The clever ins and outs of Ask a CDev Round 2 (06/26/2011)
- The curious dissonance of Alliance leveling (04/01/2012)
- The curious whispers of Tirisfal Glades (09/11/2011)
- The "death" of the Old Gods (07/10/2011)
- The Deathwing Conspiracy (08/04/2010)
- Destroying this clockwork universe (01/11/2012)
- Elven evolution (05/04/10)
- Elune is a Naaru (05/01/2010)
- The fate of Neptulon (11/02/2011)
- The final boss of Cataclysm (09/26/2010)
- Fire stolen from heaven, fire stolen from hell (05/02/2012)
- The genesis of Azeroth (11/06/2011)
- Genesis of the Infinite Dragonflight (03/06/2011)
- Gods and monsters: Religions in Azeroth (08/02/2007)
- Infinite Paths and the rise of Murozond (11/16/2011)
- Infinite Paths: The golden-eyed (11/23/2011)
- The lore reveals of Wrath
- Lore and Story Q&A highlights -- BlizzCon 2011 (10/30/2011)
- Lore Q&A-palooza (09/04/2011)
- The Mists of Pandaria (08/07/2011)
- Mystery of the Naaru (02/13/2011)
- The naaru are a menace that must be destroyed (03/04/2012)
- NPC Evolution
- From Classic WoW to The Burning Crusade (09/18/2011)
- From TBC to Wrath of the Lich King (09/25/2011)
- From Wrath to Cataclysm and beyond (10/02/2011)
- Sargeras and speculation on the next expansion (06/12/2011)
- Sargeras was right (04/29/2012)
- Scarlet Monastery revisited (01/22/2012)
- Scholomance revisited (01/29/2012)
- The secret of Pandaria (04/08/2012)
- Silence of the Titans (02/06/2011)
- Story analysis and the misconception of "lolore" (08/22/2010)
- Story development and why Theramore should burn (11/20/2011)
- The Story of Us -- Quests in WoW
- Tauren origins and Tinfoil Hats (06/29/2011)
- The Tinfoil Hat worgen edition (10/27/2010)
- Top 10 lore developments of 2011
- The top 10 lore reveals of Cataclysm
- The Top 10 lore quests, part 1 (07/12/2007)
- The true battle between Light and Darkness (02/26/2012)
- What if Stormwind had won the First War? (04/18/2012)
- Where is WoW's story headed in the distant future? (01/18/2012)
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