Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mists of Pandaria: Reputation Quick Facts

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Mists of Pandaria: Reputation Quick Facts

posted 10 hr 23 min ago by perculia

There are eight new factions in Mists of Pandaria: four have epic gear rewards, while the other four have quirky vanity items. All have epic mounts and detailed tabards as Exalted rewards.

Reputations are a bit different to grind in Mists of Pandaria--the old system of equipping a tabard and farming dungeons has been removed. Tabards only serve vanity purposes now and reputation is gained by doing daily quests. Each faction has a compelling story behind it and the daily quests are interesting and varied, such as completing a racecourse on a cloud serpent.

Below you'll find quick facts for every faction: where their quartermaster is located, how to gain reputation, and rewards. You can visit Wowhead's faction pages for more information, as well as our beta previews linked in each overview.

The Anglers

QuartermasterNat Pagle, Krasarang Wilds
How to Gain Reputation: Various NPCs in Krasarang Wilds will give fishing daily quests that award reputation and skillups. There is also a quest chain in southern Dread Wastes that awards reputation.

In addition, Nat Pagle has a friendship meter. Nat's friendship increases by turning in one of these three rare fish:  Flying Tiger Gourami Mimic Octopus Spinefish Alpha. There are several things you can get by raising your "friendship" with him:  Nat's Hat as his Best Friend, and  Nat's Fishing Journal. You can use 12 of these books to level to 600 Fishing on an alt, but they cost 1,000 each.

Check out our guide to The Anglers for an in-depth look at this faction.

 Recipe: Krasarang Fritters Tiny Goldfish Dragon Fishing Pole Reins of the Azure Water Strider
 Recipe: Viseclaw Soup Pandaren Fishing Pole Anglers Fishing Raft Anglers Tabard
 Sharpened Tuskarr Spear
Click the cut to see the rest of the reputations.

The August Celestials

QuartermasterSage LotusbloomSage Whiteheart in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
How to Gain Reputation: Gaining reputation with The August Celestials is done through questing. Players will be sent to one of the four temples (Tiger in Kun-Lai, Crane in Krasarang, Serpent in Jade Forest, Ox in Townlong) after asking the Quartermaster where help is needed the most.

Players also gain reputation through a series of daily quests in the Cradle of Chi-Ji, the birthplace of the Red Crane, the Southern Celestial. It is currently where young Pandaren initiates train under Thelonius. What starts off as a playful battle with initiate Ellia Ravenmane turns into something much darker, as she is unhealthily obsessed with winning and fights out of despair. Her letters to you after defeat get more and more upset.

You need Revered with the Golden Lotus to unlock these dailies.

Check out our guide to the August Celestials for an in-depth look at the faction.

Honored: Justice Point Gear
Cape: 1250Pants: 2200Chest: 2200
 Bladesong Cloak Leggings of Unfinished Conquest Refurbished Zandalari Vestment
 Cloak of Ancient Curses Subversive Leggings Vestment of the Ascendant Tribe
 Cloak of the Silent Mountain Leggings of Ponderous Advance Mountain Stream Ringmail
 Pressed Flower Cloak Valiant's Shinguards Undergrowth Stalker Chestpiece
 Ribcracker's Cloak
Revered: Valor Point Gear and Recipes
 Bracers of Inlaid Jade Gloves of Red Feathers Storm-Sing Sandals Formula: Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Strength
 Clever Ashyo's Armbands Sunspeaker's Flared Gloves Void Flame Slippers Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility
 Quillpaw Family Bracers Fingers of the Loneliest Monk Boots of the High Adept Formula: Enchant Bracer - Super Intellect
 Brewmaster Chani's Bracers Ogo's Elder Gloves Tukka-Tuk's Hairy Boots
 Tiger-Striped Wristguards Ravenmane's Gloves Sandals of the Elder Sage
 Battle Shadow Bracers Sentinel Commander's Gauntlets Steps of the War Serpent
 Braided Black and White Bracer Gauntlets of Jade Sutras Bramblestaff Boots
 Fallen Sentinel Bracers Gloves of the Overwhelming Swarm Tankiss Warstompers
 Streetfighter's Iron Knuckles Yu'lon Guardian Boots
Exalted Rewards:

Golden Lotus

QuartermasterJaluu the Generous, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
How to Gain Reputation: To begin questing with Golden Lotus, you'll need to prove yourself to the Pandaren at the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai Summit. You'll be able to fly into Vale of Eternal Blossoms otherwise, but many areas will be phased.

As you gain reputation with Golden Lotus, more quest hubs will unlock with 4-5 quests each. You'll first start out at the Golden Pagoda hub with sending you to The Golden Stair at Friendly, and go up from there. Each hub has several sets of quests and additional side quests at Revered. The final daily quest of the day will be to kill an elite that also rewards  Treasures of the Vale which can have a variety of useful things inside like high-level recipes. Killing all the various elites awards  One Many Army.

There's also a one-time quest series that progresses further as your reputation increases, rewarding you with ilvl 440 rings, ilvl 463 chests, and epic necks.

Opening chests hidden around the zone can yield  Relic of Guo-Lai and  Relic of the Thunder King which permanently increase your reputation.

Check out our guide to the Golden Lotus for an in-depth look at the faction.

Honored: Justice Point Gear
 Bracers of Eternal Resolve Surehand Grips Leggings of Twisted Vines Amulet of Swirling Mists
 Tranquility Bindings Wandering Friar's Gloves Snowpack Waders Gorget of Usurped Kings
 Bracers of Inner Light Necklace of Jade Pearls
 Serrated Forearm Guards Pendant of Endless Inquisition
 Triumphant Conqueror's Chain
Honored: Recipes
 Pattern: Gloves of Creation Pattern: Angerhide Leg Armor
 Pattern: Greater Cerulean Spellthread Pattern: Chestguard of Earthen Harmony
 Pattern: Spelltwister's Gloves Pattern: Gloves of Earthen Harmony
 Pattern: Spelltwister's Grand Robe Pattern: Greyshadow Chestguard
 Pattern: Robes of Creation Pattern: Greyshadow Gloves
 Pattern: Greater Pearlescent Spellthread Pattern: Ironscale Leg Armor
 Pattern: Lifekeeper's Gloves
 Pattern: Lifekeeper's Robe
 Pattern: Shadowleather Leg Armor
 Pattern: Wildblood Gloves
 Pattern: Wildblood Vest
Revered: Valor Point Gear and Recipes
Chest: 2250Finger: 1250Shoulder: 1750
 Robe of the Five Sisters Alani's Inflexible Ring Mantle of the Golden Sun
 Vestments of Thundering Skies Anji's Keepsake Tenderheart Shoulders
 Mistfall Robes Leven's Circle of Hope Imperion Spaulders
 Softfoot Silentwrap Ring of the Golden Stair Whitepetal Shouldergarb
 Breastplate of the Golden Pagoda Simple Harmonius Ring Mindbender Shoulders
 Robes of the Setting Sun Windwalker Spaulders
 Battleguard of Guo-Lai Paleblade Shoulderguards
 Cuirass of the Twin Monoliths Shoulders of Autumnlight
 Dawnblade's Chestguard Stonetoe Spaulders
Vanity Items

The Klaxxi

QuartermasterAmbersmith Zikk, Dread Wastes
How to Gain Reputation: To grind rep with The Klaxxi, you'll have to do a long questline inDread Wastes starting with  Psycho Mantid. This should get you to Honored at least. You can also turn in 20 Dread Shards from any mob for  Seeds of Fear. There's a chain involving a killer pet, Kovok, too.

As you gain more reputation and proceed in the questline, you free more Klaxxi elders and get more and more dailies. At this point, you can request buffs from them, Enhancements andAugments.

Check out our guide to the Klaxxi for an in-depth look at the faction.

Honored: Justice Point Gear and Blacksmithing Recipes
 Plans: Breastplate of Ancient Steel Chestplate of the Stone Lion Entombed Traitor's Wristguards Emperor's Riding Gloves
 Plans: Gauntlets of Ancient Steel Inner Serenity Chestplate Runoff Wristguards Krompf's Fine-Tuning Gloves
 Plans: Ghost Iron Shield Spike Cruel Mercy Bracers
 Plans: Ghost Reaver's Breastplate Sudden Insight Bracers
 Plans: Ghost Reaver's Gauntlets
 Plans: Living Steel Belt Buckle
 Plans: Living Steel Breastplate
 Plans: Living Steel Gauntlets
 Plans: Living Steel Weapon Chain
 Plans: Masterwork Forgewire Axe
 Plans: Masterwork Ghost Shard
 Plans: Masterwork Ghost-Forged Blade
 Plans: Masterwork Phantasmal Hammer
 Plans: Masterwork Spiritblade Decimator
Revered: Valor Point Gear,  Amber Sledge of Klaxxi'vess
 Bloodseeker's Solitaire Ambersmith Legplates Klaxxi Lash of the Borrower
 Choker of the Klaxxi'va Dreadsworn Slayer Legs Klaxxi Lash of the Consumer
 Links of the Lucid Kovok's Riven Legguards Klaxxi Lash of the Doubter
 Paragon's Pale Pendant Leggings of the Poisoned Soul Klaxxi Lash of the Harbinger
 Wire of the Wakener Legguards of the Unscathed Klaxxi Lash of the Orator
 Locust Swarm Legguards Klaxxi Lash of the Precursor
 Poisoncrafter's Kilt Klaxxi Lash of the Rescinder
 Swarmkeeper's Leggings Klaxxi Lash of the Seeker
 Wind-Reaver Greaves Klaxxi Lash of the Winnower
Vanity Rewards:
At Honored, players can purchase  Restorative Amber, which is like  Major Dreamless Sleep Potion with a vanity effect.
At Exalted, you can pick up vanity-themed items.  Klaxxi Tabard is a tabard that only serves a cosmetic purpose, while  Reins of the Amber Scorpion should especially make Alliance players happy, as it's a Horde-style scorpion mount. The most interesting reward atExalted is a series of ilvl 463 weapons with distinctive amber-dipped looks for transmog.
 Amber Espada of Klaxxi'vess Amber Flammard of Klaxxi'vess
 Amber Saber of Klaxxi'vess Amber Scythe of Klaxxi'vess
 Amber Slicer of Klaxxi'vess Amber Spear of Klaxxi'vess
 Amber Spine of Klaxxi'vess Amber Sprayer of Klaxxi'vess

The Lorewalkers

QuartermasterTan Shin Tiao, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
How to Gain Reputation: As the keepers of Pandaren culture,The Lorewalkers go hand-in-hand with the spirit of Archaeology. The unusual reputation grind fits the nature of these cultural librarians, and reputation rewards enhance this profession.

Each monument in Pandaria is tied to an achievement. Upon visiting all the monuments for an achievement, you will be mailed a scroll that begins a quest. Both completing the achievement and turning in the scroll to Lorewalker Cho will give reputation. Turning in all the scrolls will net you Exalted.

When you turn the scroll in, Lorewalker Cho will automatically reenact a story for you that sheds light on Pandaren lore. You can hear these stories again anytime by talking to Lorewalker Cho.

Check out our guide to the Lorewalkers for an in-depth look at the faction.

At Friendly, you will be able to speak to Brann Bronzebeard and purchase crates of old-world fragments ( Crate of Dwarven Archaeology Fragments) if you have max level archaeology.

Order of the Cloud Serpent

QuartermasterSan Redscale, The Jade Forest
How to Gain Reputation: Gaining reputation is pretty fun: it's a mix of Netherwing andWintersaber Trainers. You'll start off with a cloud serpent egg and raise the hatched serpent to maturity, doing daily quest that involve competitive races along the way. You can also turn in eggs for additional reputation:  Onyx To Goodness.

At Exalted, you'll get the serpent you raised to maturity:  Reins of the Jade Cloud SerpentReins of the Azure Cloud Serpent Reins of the Golden Cloud Serpent.Players also automatically learn  Cloud Serpent Riding and are now eligible to train the cloud serpent critters in the zone as battle pets.

Check out our guide to the Order of the Cloud Serpent for an in-depth look at the faction.

Vanity Rewards:
 Design: Jade Panther Cloud Ring Reins of the Azure Cloud Serpent
 Design: Sunstone Panther Design: Ruby Panther Reins of the Golden Cloud Serpent
 Design: Sapphire Panther Reins of the Jade Cloud Serpent
 Finish Line Order of the Cloud Serpent Tabard
 Floating Finish Line Design: Jeweled Onyx Panther
 Floating Racing Flag
 Racing Flag


QuartermasterRushi the Fox, Townlong Steppes
How to Gain Reputation: The Shado-Pan daily hub is located in western Townlong Steppes. Daily quests are selected from three sets of quest hubs, which all give +250 rep, except for the final quest which is 350 rep. You must be Revered with Golden Lotus to unlock this quest hub.

With each hub comes a special buff as well as a choice of three companions that will help DPS. When first starting out, players can "recruit" more companions by defeating them in combat, such as  The Challenger's Ring: Hawkmaster Nurong.

There is a meta-achievement for completing Shado-Pan dailies in a bunch of ways,  The Shado-Master, which rewards the title Shado-Master.

Check out our guide to the Shado-Pan for an in-depth look at this faction.

Honored: Justice Point Gear
Legs2200Hands1750Chest(Currency #295) x2200Ring1250
 Brambleguard Leggings Brushcutter's Gloves Robe of Eternal Dynasty Etched Golden Loop
 Tough Mushanhide Leggings Gloves of Forgotten Wisdom Robe of Quiet Meditation Mark of the Dancing Crane
 Gauntlets of Restraint Signet of the Slumbering Emperor
 Wall Breaker Gauntlets Sorcerer-King's Seal
 Thunderstone Ring
Revered: Valor Point Gear and Recipes
Head: 2250Back: 1250Trinket: 1750Enchants
 Hawkmaster's Headguard Blackguard Cape Blossom of Pure Snow Formula: Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel
 Nightwatcher's Helm Cloak of Snow Blossoms Hawkmaster's Talon Formula: Enchant Weapon - Jade Spirit
 Red Smoke Bandana Cloak of the Dark Disciple Iron Belly Wok Formula: Enchant Weapon - River's Song
 Voice Amplyifying Greathelm Sagewhisper's Wrap Lao-Chin's Liquid Courage
 Six Pool's Open Helm Yi's Cloak of Courage Scroll of Revered Ancestors
 Yi's Least Favorite Helmet
 Snowdrift Helm
 Firecracker Corona
 Yalia's Cowl
Vanity Items

The Tillers

QuartermasterGina Mudclaw, Valley of the Four Winds
How to Gain Reputation:Gaining reputation with The Tillers, in Valley of the Four Winds, is much more complex than any other Pandaria faction. You'll harvest a variety of crops yielding everything from vegetables to profession materials, gain reputation through a series of quests to expand your farm, and also gain friendship with 10 Tiller NPCs who enhance your farm in Halfhill.

The Tillers have three main components:
  • Farming: how to plant, grow, and maintain crops, as well as how to expand a farm.
  • Tillers Union: the main questline in which the player wins union votes from Halfhill residents, daily quests, and Tillers reputation rewards.
  • Friendship: NPCs have their own "friendship" bars--becoming their "Best Friend" allows you to unlock additional rewards for your farm.
There are rewards both for gaining reputation with the Tillers, as well as increasing friendship with Tiller NPCs.
 Pandaren Scarecrow Reins of the Black Riding Goat
 Spring Blossom Sapling Reins of the Brown Riding Goat
 Enigma Seed Reins of the White Riding Goat
 Magebulb Seed Gin-Ji Knife Set
 Raptorleaf Seed Tillers Tabard
 Snakeroot Seed Recipe: Spicy Salmon
 Songbell Seed Recipe: Spicy Vegetable Chips
 Windshear Cactus Seed Winter Blossom Sapling
 Mourning Glory