Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekly Podcast Roundup: Sept. 3 - 9, 2012

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Weekly Podcast Roundup: Sept. 3 - 9, 2012

Weekly Podcast Roundup Sept 39, 2012 MON
Every Monday evening, WoW Insider brings you a long list of WoW podcasts that were published the week and weekend before. If you don't see your favorite World of Warcraftpodcast listed, just let us know in the comments. Be sure to leave a link to it, and we'll pick it up next week.

All podcasts and content belong to their owners. WoW Insider is not responsible for what you hear, and some of the content may not be safe for work.

Other podcasts

The WoW Insider staff listens to a lot of other podcasts around the internet. Here are some we thought you might be interested in.

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