MoP Legendary Quest Guide: Updated for 5.2
posted 53 minutes ago by perculia
Capacitive Primal Diamond: +324 Crit Rating and chance on melee or ranged attack to gain Capacitance. At 5 stacks, fires a Lightning Strike, which deals [280 + 75% AP] Nature damage (
Lightning Strike Charges Trigger).
Courageous Primal Diamond: +324 Intellect and chance on beneficial spell to make your spells cost no mana for 4 sec. (
Clearcasting Trigger).
Indomitable Primal Diamond: +324 Stamina and chance on being hit to gain a 20% reduction to physical damage taken for 15 sec (
Fortitude Trigger).
Sinister Primal Diamond: +324 Crit Rating and chance on spell damage to gain 30% spell haste for 10 sec (
Haste Trigger).
This is a bit of a change from obtaining a Sha-Touched weapon in 5.0 and then enhancing it in 5.1, but as explained in our recent Blizzard dev interview, obtaining a weapon is an exciting moment in a new tier and making players constantly upgrade a Sha-Touched weapon would take away that fun. If you still really want a Sha-Touched weapon for either looks or stats, the droprate has been increased in LFR.
Click the cut to read our updated legendary guide for 5.2!
Table of Contents
- Overview
- 5.2 Quest Series
- 5.1 Quest Series
- 5.0 Quest Series
- Sha-Touched Weapon Models
- Video Preview
- Rogue Perks
- All level 90 players in a raid can work on the legendary questline at the same time. it's been purposely designed to cut down on loot drama and the feeling that one person in your raid ends up overpowered.
- This legendary series will span the expansion, with more elaborate rewards each tier.
- The 5.0 reward is a +500 stat gem that can be placed into a special Sha-Touched weapon, of which there are versions on LFR, Normal, and Heroic difficulty. This gems only work in Sha-Touched weapons.
- The 5.1 reward is an additional prismatic socket,
Eye of the Black Prince. This socket works on both Sha-Touched and 5.2 weapons.
- The 5.2 reward is a legendary metagem, the Crown of Heaven.
- If you are just becoming interested in the legendary questline now, you must start with the 5.0 part of the questline instead of jumping into the 5.2 section.
5.2 Quest Series
This part of the quest chain will send you into Throne of Thunder and the reward is a legendary meta gem. Here are all the new quests:Meet Me Upstairs: Wrathion has been visited by Anduin at the Tavern in the Mists, who wants to discuss the events that befell him in Patch 5.1. You'll then be given the next two quests:
Secrets of the First Empire: Collect 20
Secrets of the Empire and 40
Trillium Bars.
Secrets of the Empire: These drop from bosses in Throne of Thunder. Players have a chance to get one automatically looted to them.
I Need a Champion: Earn Exalted Reputation with the Black Prince by defeating mogu, Zandalari, and saurok enemies on the Isle of Thunder.
The Thunder Forge: This quest appears to be a challenging single-player scenario tied to Wrathion and the Thunder Forge in Stage 4, that was unavailable for testing on the PTR.
Spirit of the Storm Lord: This quest appears to be available when all stages of the Isle of Thunder are unlocked. You must killNalak and drive the provided
Tempered Lightning Lance through his body.
The Crown of Heaven: Meet Wrathion atop Mason's Folly in the Veiled Stair and collect your reward. This part of the quest rewards you with a legendary meta gem.
Capacitive Primal Diamond: +324 Crit Rating and chance on melee or ranged attack to gain Capacitance. At 5 stacks, fires a Lightning Strike, which deals [280 + 75% AP] Nature damage (
Lightning Strike Charges Trigger).
Courageous Primal Diamond: +324 Intellect and chance on beneficial spell to make your spells cost no mana for 4 sec. (
Clearcasting Trigger).
Indomitable Primal Diamond: +324 Stamina and chance on being hit to gain a 20% reduction to physical damage taken for 15 sec (
Fortitude Trigger).
Sinister Primal Diamond: +324 Crit Rating and chance on spell damage to gain 30% spell haste for 10 sec (
Haste Trigger).
- Collect 12
Titan Runestones from raid bosses in the Chambers of Flesh-Shaping and the Halls of Thunder.
Heart of the Thunder King: Slay the Thunder King in the Halls of Thunder and collect the
Heart of the Thunder King. This awards
Chapter III: Two Princes.
5.1 Quest Series
This step encourages you to participate in the new faction hubs, and even PvP a little.The reward is a
A Test of Valor: Gain
A Test of Valor by earning a total of 6000 Valor Points.
- Points earned retroactively will not count. This will take 6 weeks total to complete.
- Spending points does not affect your total.
- Gaining points beyond the weekly cap does not count.
- This quest can be started after getting a Sha-Touched gem.
The Measure of a Leader: Speak with Wrathion at the Tavern in the Mists.
The Prince's Pursuit: Kill Horde forces along the southern shores of Krasarang Wilds until you are Revered with the Black Prince. You can work on this concurrently with
A Test of Valor.
- Horde forces are located in Domination Point in western Krasarang Wilds.
- You will naturally gain reputation if you do Operation: Shieldwall dailies or farm
Blood-Soaked Invitation.
- You can gain reputation with The Black Prince without having this quest in your log.
- Before reputation bonuses, the new 5.1 rares give 400 reputation and normal 5.1 Krasarang mobs give 20 reputation.
The Lion Roars: Win battles at the Temple of Kotmogu and the Silvershard Mines.
A Change of Command: Kill Warlord Bloodhilt at Domination Point in Krasarang Wilds.
Call of the Packmaster: Speak with Wrathion to learn what he's observed about Varian. Reward:
Eye of the Black Princeand
Chapter II: Wrathion's War.
5.0 Quest Series
You catch up with Wrathion and learn why he's in Pandaria with
You need to get to Honored with The Black Prince.
- You do not need
Trial of the Black Prince in your log to get reputation from kills.
- Reputation is gained by killing Mogu and Mantid in Townlong Steppes, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Dread Wastes. You can get reputation easily while doing Golden Lotus and The Klaxxi dailies.
- Normal mobs give 10-12 reputation.
- Elites give 15-30 reputation.
- Rare Elites give 40-45 reputation.
- Adds give 1-3 reputation.
- You can use items like
Battle Standard of Coordination to boost your reputation gains.
- If you are a rogue that has completed
Patricide, you can skip this step.
- The 10x
Sigil of Power and 10x
Sigil of Wisdom will be lootable by anyone on the quest.
Sigil of Wisdom is acquired from Terrace of Endless Spring and Heart of Fear, and
Sigil of Power from Mogu'shan Vaults andTerrace of Endless Spring.
- These legendary quest items can also drop in LFR.
Also starting on October 30, players continued on the questline with
At this point, you'll be awarded
The quest series continues in 5.1 with
Sha-Touched Weapon Models
These weapons only drop from Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring. Each difficulty tier has a unique color and they can all be transmogged. In addition, using a Shadow withIn Patch 5.2, the droprates of all items from LFR, including Sha-Touched weapons, has been greatly increased.
Location: Sha of Fear
Raid Finder | Normal | Heroic |
Video Preview
Rogue Perks
If you are a Rogue who has completed or worked onLevel 85-89 with Maw of Oblivion or Jaws of Retribution:
Hello again, <Name>, was it? Yes yes... I believe we left behind some unfinished business back in the Eastern Kingdoms. How you been finding Pandaria?
I have another assignment for you, if you are up to the challenge this time. I assure you the rewards will be worth it.
Before we begin, it's important that you familiarize yourself with the lay of the land. Come visit me once you have earned more experience here.
Level 85-89 with Fangs of the Father:I have another assignment for you, if you are up to the challenge this time. I assure you the rewards will be worth it.
Before we begin, it's important that you familiarize yourself with the lay of the land. Come visit me once you have earned more experience here.
It is very good to see you again, <Name>! I trust the weapons I gave you at Ravenholdt have served you well?
I have another "assignment" for you here in Pandaria. This will again require all of your skills, and again I assure you... it will be worth it!
Before we begin, it's important that you familiarize yourself with the lay of the land. Come visit me once you have earned more experience here.
Level 90 with Fangs of the Father:I have another "assignment" for you here in Pandaria. This will again require all of your skills, and again I assure you... it will be worth it!
Before we begin, it's important that you familiarize yourself with the lay of the land. Come visit me once you have earned more experience here.
I am glad you have returned <Name>! I trust you are now acclimated to this strange new continent of Pandaria?
You have already proven yourself to me in the past, so we can dispense with any sort of tests or trials. Let's get right to it.
Are you ready to change the world?
If you have completed Fangs of the Father, you do not need to do You have already proven yourself to me in the past, so we can dispense with any sort of tests or trials. Let's get right to it.
Are you ready to change the world?