Thursday, January 31, 2013

5.2 PTR: Season 13 PvP Armor

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5.2 PTR: Season 13 PvP Armor

posted 2012/12/27 at 3:30 PM by perculia

Last week we posted many 3D models of Tier 15 PvE armor coming in Patch 5.2: this week we have most Season 13 PvP sets to share! Since most model names are called "Alliance" or "Horde," it looks like Blizzard may be implementing faction-themed PvP gear. While the Tier 9 PvE sets had different models for the Alliance and Horde, this hasn't been done for PvP since vanilla, before arena seasons were introduced.

Several sets have four color variations, so perhaps the lower ilvl PvP gear will look the same across factions, and the unique Alliance and Horde colors will be reserved for the Elite gear, similar to how Vicious War Steed and  Vicious War Wolf are unique faction rewards for battleground dedication.
Shoulders have now been added to some PvP sets! Enjoy.

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