Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Operation: Shieldwall and Dominance Offensive Guides

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Operation: Shieldwall and Dominance Offensive Guides

Quick Facts
  • Sticky status
  • Author: Wowhead
  • Views: 4,317
  • Patch: 5.1.0
  • Rating: 4.2/5 (13 votes)
While 5.1 only introduces two new factions, Operation: Shieldwalland Dominance Offensive, they've got a lot of content attached to them--World PvP, rare spawns, daily quests, and achievements. We provided an overview of these factions in our Patch 5.1 guide, as well as links to all of our PTR coverage, but it's convenient to have all the information handy on one page as well.

In this guide you'll find:
  • How to get started and unlock these faction hubs.
  • Information on the World PvP areas.
  • Rare NPCs: their loot, locations, and abilities.
  • Reputation rewards: rare trinkets, epics, and mounts.
  • Daily quests: their quest hubs, reputation gains, and maps.
  • An overview of your faction's epic questline.
  • Rewards purchased from commissions: guard reinforcements, items that summon wild pets, NPCs that buff players.


  • Operation: Shieldwall is an Alliance-only faction in Krasarang Wilds added in 5.1. Players gain reputation through daily quests encouraging World PvP, as well as a epic questline involving many faction leaders.
  • Rewards include ilvl 496 epics as well as a faction mount.
  • Players can control different parts of Krasarang Wilds for buffs, as well as purchase special items that enhance your base with commendations.
  • To unlock this quest hub, pick up  Meet the Scout. This automatically shows up in your log when in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. From there, you'll complete  A King Among Men with King Varian Wrynn, and then unlock Lion's Landing by signaling the Alliance fleet in  Lion's Landing.
  • You must complete this introductory quest chain to start  Incoming....

World PvP

Click here to read the rest of our 5.1 Factions Guide!


Rare NPCs

There are three rare spawns Alliance players can kill in Domination Point that have a chance to drop trinkets and Brawler's Guild Invitations, as well as many Domination Point Commission. Killing all three rewards  I'm In Your Base, Killing Your Dudes.

Players have reported they are on a ~1 hour respawn and give +500 reputation with The Black Prince when killed.

Loot: Champion of Arms: Kar Warmaker: Located at Domination Point's East entrance.
  •  Heroic Leap: Leaps to players out of range.
  •  Cracking Blow: Inflicts 60% of the target's health as Physical damage along a line in front of the caster.
Champion of the Light: Muerta: Located to the left of the inner fortress. Champion of the Shadows: Ubunti the Shade: Domination Point Tower.
  •  Mortal Throw: Inflicts 60% of the target's health as Physical damage for players at range.
  •  Shank: Stuns players in melee for 3 seconds.
  •  Shadowstep: Appears from up to 20 yards away.

 Domination Point Commission/ Lion's Landing Commission Rewards

These items are dropped by Horde NPCs and players. They can be turned into Proveditor Grantley for items that reinforce your base, buff players, or offer additional quests.
 Mercenary Contract: Druid: Buffs nearby players with  Mark of the Wild.10
 Mercenary Contract: Mage: Buffs nearby players with  Arcane Brilliance.10
 Mercenary Contract: Paladin: Buffs nearby players with  Blessing of Might.10
 Mercenary Contract: Priest: Buffs nearby players with  Power Word: Fortitude.10
 Mercenary Contract: Rogue: Buffs nearby players with  Swiftblade's Nod.10
 Mercenary Contract: Shaman: Buffs nearby players with  Binding Elemental Oath.10
 Mercenary Contract: Warrior: Buffs nearby players with  Echoing Battle Shout.10
 Lion's Landing Banquet: Buffs players who eat with +250 of a useful stat, unlimited charges.30
Combat Aides
 Crate of Alliance Banners: Place out a box of banners for Alliance players in Lion's Landing.25
 Box of Overridden Excavationbots: Creates a chest that can be clicked on 5 times to summon 5 Overridden Excavationbots which aid you in combat in Krasarang.125
 Obelisk of Deception: Creates a purple stone that transforms you into the opposite faction for 5 minutes when clicked on.500
Defensive Guards
 Guard Contract: Graveyard: Can be used at Lion's Landing Graveyard or Domination Point Graveyard.60
 Guard Contract: Outpost: Can be used at the Ogudei Shrine or Blacksand Oilfield.40
 Guard Contract: Tower: Can be used at Lion's Landing Tower or Domination Point Tower.80
 Portal Reagents: Skyfire5
 Portal Reagents: Shrine of Seven Stars5
 Portal Reagents: Stormwind5
 Sturdy Crane Snare: Starts  Beastmaster's Hunt: The Crane30
 Sturdy Tiger Trap: Starts  Beastmaster's Hunt: The Tiger30
 Sturdy Crab Crate: Starts  Beastmaster's Hunt: The Crab30
 Rodent Crate: Constantly spawns the capturable pet Sumprush Rodent.2000

Gaining Reputation: Daily Quests

There are four possible quest hubs you will be sent to: you can get 900 reputation a day before  Grand Commendation of Operation: Shieldwall and other reputation bonuses are taken into effect. You can also do an additional Beastmaster group quest for +200 reputation.

Lion's Landing

  •  Attack! Move!: Kill 12 Domination Point Shamans or Domination Point Raiders. +150 rep.
  •  Resource Gathering: Collect 12 Lion's Landing Lumber by recovering it from piles of Hastily Abandoned Lumber. +150 rep.
  •  Siege Damage: Find a Bilgewater Blasting Cap on a Bilgewater Sapper, and then plant it on a Domination Point Demolisher. *or*  Tower Defense: Collect 20 Animatable Stone at the Lion's Landing Quarry from Bilgewater Goblins or by destroying stone slabs there with collateral damage. +150 rep.
  •  Supply Block: Destroy 8 Domination Point Supply Carts. +150 rep.
  •  Hero Killer: Kill a Horde Hero. +300 rep.

Domination Point

 Send A Message is a breadcrub quest that sends you to the Skyfire, above the Horde's base.

Ruins of Ogudei

 Priorities, People! is a breadcrumb quest that sends you to the opening of the ruins.

Bilgewater Beach

  •  Burn Out!: Use the Unstable Explosive to destroy the Northestern Fuel Tank, Northern Fuel Tank, and the Northwestern Fuel Tank. *or*  Necessary Breaks: Steal 7 Rusty Valves from the fuel operation on Bilgewater Beach. +150 rep.
  •  Circle of Life: Plant 11 Energized Seeds near Quickchop's Lumber Farm. *or*  Dis-Assembly Required: Destroy the Jungle Shredders using the Re-Configured Remote and then collect 6 pieces of Scrap Metal. +150 rep.
  •  The Only Good Goblin...: Kill 10 Bilgewater Goblins in and around Bilgewater Beach. +150 rep.
  •  It's Only Right: Retrieve 7 Shieldwall Soldier Dog Tags from the Fallen Shieldwall Soldiers in and around Bilgewater Beach. +150 rep.
  •  Two Step Program: Destroy Shredmaster Packle in Quickchop's Lumber Farm. *or*  Undermining the Under Miner: Destroy Grezik Oregrind at Oregrind's Dig. +300 rep.

Beastmaster Quests

The following quests are designed to be group quests and the "Hunt" quests are expected to take a while to collect and complete. Only one can be done per day, for 200 reputation.

 Sturdy Crab Crate:  Sturdy Crane Snare:  Sturdy Tiger Trap:

Gaining Reputation:  Operation: Shieldwall/ Dominance Offensive Questline

This following section has mostly been pulled from datamined quests, as new sections of the quest series unlock at higher reputation levels. Essentially, each faction will get a series of quests at each reputation level that reveal more of the 5.1 story to them (spoilers ahead). At Exalted, the story is complete and players are rewarded with  Operation: Shieldwall/ Dominance Offensive. We'll update the guide as we progress farther on the chain!
Unlocking new reputation levels will allow you to progress further in this chain.
  •  Meet the Scout: Speak with Scout Lynna at Krasarang Cove in Krasarang Wilds. It has been two months since the Alliance have landed on Pandaria.
  •  A King Among Men: Accompany King Varian Wrynn to find Marshal Troteman, Hilda Hornswaggle, and slay 25 Horde.
  •  Lion's Landing: Use the Fireworks Launcher in Krasarang Cove to signal the Alliance fleet.

The Man With a Thousand Faces

  •  The Best Around: Report to undercover agent Townsley in the Brawler's Guild in the Stormwind side of Deeprun Tram.
  •  To Catch A Spy: Deliver the Pink Marmot, the Mogu Melon Twist, and the Rusty Dagger to the correct patron.
  •  Stirred, Not Shaken: Find Professor Kilt in the V.I.P. lounge in the Brawlers Guild. An agent is posing undercover as a Brawler's Guild patron.

The Voice of the Gods

After you unmask Agent Connelly, he sends you to Kun-Lai to learn more about Garrosh's plan to harness the Sha.
  •  He's In Deep: Find Connelly in Kun-Lai Summit at Fire Camp Bataar.
  •  Bugging Out: Plant the Cleverly Disguised Bugs in the large tent, near the small tents, and in the supplies.
  •  He Won't Even Miss It: Create a distraction in the camp, steal the Weathered Journal, and read the Ancient Tablet in Garrosh's tent.

Jaina's Hope

You are asked by Anduinn to negotiate with Jaina to remove the presence of blood elves from Dalaran, since they are loyal to the Horde and she is now in charge of the Kirin Tor.

The Korune

Brann Bronzebeard is conducting an excavation in Kun-Lai on the mogu, but things go bad when he collects sha energy and it corrupts soldiers.

Heart of the Alliance

  •  Anduin's Plea: Speak to Anduin Wrynn in The Imperial Exchange at the Shrine of Seven Stars in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
  •  Heart Of The Alliance: Confront 6 Lion's Landing Soldiers. The Sha have escaped containment from one of Brann Bronzebeard's missions and have corrupted some soldiers.

Secrets of the Past

There's an additional mission for Connelly:
  •  The Kun-Lai Expedition: Speak to Agent Connelly at One Keg in Kun-Lai Summit.
  •  A Kor'kron In Our Midst: Collect 1 Kor'kron Helmet, 1 Kor'kron Armor, and 1 Kor'kron Boots, then combine them into a Kor'kron Disguise. You are doing this to prevent Garrosh from finding the Divine Bell. (Based on the Horde chain, it appears it ended up in Darnassus and later made its way to Silvermoon.)
  •  Memory Wine: Use the Kor'kron Disguise to enter the camp. Then drink the Memory Brew and witness Shan Kien's past.

The Divine Bell

  •  The Ruins of Korune: Find Sarannha Skyglaive at the Ruins of Korune. Speak to Fennie Hornswaggle at Lion's Landing for transportation.
  •  The Divine Bell: Kill Dreadweaver Avartu and recover the Divine Bell.

The Purge of Dalaran

The Sunreavers aided the Horde in retrieving the Divine Bell, which was stored in Darnassus, so the Alliance are expelling the Sunreavers from Dalaran.

An Ancient Ally

On the side, the Alliance has been befriending some of the Hozen, in the hopes of finding another artifact to counteract the Divine Bell:

In Search of Harmony

You then help Anduin put the Mallet together:

Breath of Darkest Shadow

  •  The Bell Speaks: Anduin has run off in search of Garrosh about to harness the power of the Divine Bell--you must find him.
  •  Breath of Darkest Shadow: Anduin tries to plea with Garrosh before using the Harmonic Mallet and destroying the Divine Bell.
  •  The Silence: The mallet is destroyed, but Anduin is severely wounded from the effort.

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